Search through thousands of restaurants (in North America) by location, cuisine, budget, and more.
This API wraps the search restaurants endpoint by spoonacular's Recipe API. Check out the tutorial about writing a diet and nutrition app or how to write a meal planning app using this API.
"restaurants": [
"offers_third_party_delivery": true,
"address": {
"zipcode": "93257",
"country": "US",
"city": "San Diego",
"latitude": 32.7158287,
"lon": -117.1609347,
"street_addr_2": "",
"state": "CA",
"street_addr": "1023 4th AvE.",
"lat": 32.7158701,
"longitude": -117.1610975
"supports_upc_codes": false,
"is_open": false,
"description": "",
"weighted_rating_value": 5,
"type": "restaurant",
"offers_first_party_delivery": false,
"aggregated_rating_count": 16,
"pickup_enabled": false,
"cuisines": [
"Everyday Essentials",
"miles": 0.006435988292689283,
"dollar_signs": 1,
"delivery_enabled": true,
"name": "Cvs",
"phone_number": 12345600000,
"_id": "0bc7ce37-257a-441f-b748-56fb236da5db",
"local_hours": {
"operational": {
"monday": "07:00AM - 11:00PM",
"thursday": "07:00AM - 11:00PM",
"friday": "07:00AM - 11:00PM",
"sunday": "07:00AM - 11:00PM",
"wednesday": "07:00AM - 11:00PM",
"tuesday": "07:00AM - 11:00PM",
"saturday": "07:00AM - 11:00PM"
"delivery": {
"monday": "07:00AM - 11:00PM",
"thursday": "07:00AM - 11:00PM",
"friday": "07:00AM - 11:00PM",
"sunday": "07:00AM - 11:00PM",
"wednesday": "07:00AM - 11:00PM",
"tuesday": "07:00AM - 11:00PM",
"saturday": "07:00AM - 11:00PM"
"pickup": {
"monday": "Closed",
"thursday": "Closed",
"friday": "Closed",
"sunday": "Closed",
"wednesday": "Closed",
"tuesday": "Closed",
"saturday": "Closed"
"dine_in": {
"monday": "07:00AM - 11:00PM",
"thursday": "07:00AM - 11:00PM",
"friday": "07:00AM - 11:00PM",
"sunday": "07:00AM - 11:00PM",
"wednesday": "07:00AM - 11:00PM",
"tuesday": "07:00AM - 11:00PM",
"saturday": "07:00AM - 11:00PM"
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